The Re-stock Suggestions section displays a summary count of Urgent Re-stock, Re-stock Soon, Excess Inventory and Open Re-stock orders. When Available Quantity of the SKU is less than the product of the SKU’s Sales Rate and 15 days, that is, if the SKU is projected to be out of stock within the next 15 days based on Sales Rate, then that SKU is classified under Re-stock NOW.

Likewise, if the SKU is projected to be out of stock in the next 30 days then the SKU is classified as Re-stock Soon. Any SKU that is expected to be out of stock between 30 days and 45 days is classified as Excess Inventory.

The details section displays the available days of supply, sales rate, Inventory levels, Re-order Date and Re-order Cost. You can download the data for your SKU’s by clicking on the Export button.