This is the profits dashboard which we lovingly call, GainTime. Here you will see a consolidated view of your sales performance across all your selling channels.  The GainTime dashboard defaults to today. You can select any preset value from the calendar dropdown or a date range or select a different marketplace. Sales Stats provides your sales statistics for today, yesterday and the last 7 days in addition to a custom time period you select from the calendar dropdown.

The Profit and Loss section displays the profit and loss for the selected time period in the calendar dropdown and the selected marketplace. Here you can see your Gross Revenue, base price (that does not include tax), tax and other expenses for the selected period.  The PnL chart displays your revenue (in bold green), expenses in salmon and your net profit in a lighter shade of green. The Top Performers section displays your revenue leaders for the selected time period for each market that reported a sale and detailed profitability information for the top seller. Clicking on the arrow towards the right displays detailed profitability information, SKU insights and projections for the specific SKU and its contribution to the overall bottom line in three distinct tabs. The performance tab displays the revenue and expenses breakdown with net profit or loss and the chart towards the right displays revenue, expenses and net profit for each day within the selected period. The Insights tab displays an overview of the sales count, sales rate, reorder information, SKU wholesale and retail values. The Projections tab displays the app’s forecast for the SKU for the next one year, everything else considered constant.